Role of curtains in soundproofing

Curtains have been a part of interior designing process since long. We all know how a properly styled curtain can enhance the appearance of a room or how it can control the lighting inside a room and also how it provides privacy but what most of us do not know is the soundproofing capability of curtains.

How does a curtain help in determining the acoustics of a room? To what extend do curtains contribute to soundproofing a room? This article will answer the questions that rushed into your mind after reading the title.

Physics behind why curtains can be used for soundproofing

Curtains are mostly made of cloth or other materials that can absorb sound. Since curtains are soft, sound hitting on them will not bounce off but instead be absorbed into it. This will prevent sound waves from reverberating and tampering incident sound waves in the room. It also, to an extend, blocks external noises from entering the room.

How well can curtains absorb sound?

The sound absorption property of curtains are limited. They only reduce the noise level in the room and do not block it from entering or leaving. This may not be sufficient for most applications. For better absorption of sound, one can go with acoustic blankets. Acoustic sound blankets can absorb sound to reduce noise or absorb and block sound. They use fibreglass absorber quilts for better absorbent properties. But if you only want to reduce noise for a better sleep or the sorts, you can go with curtains, which are more economical.

Types of curtains

Curtains range from fairly thin curtains that can reduce noise to acoustic and theatre curtains that can block out a considerable amount of sound. There are curtains that come with different layers like vinyl or foam that can help reduce noise. Curtains with multiple layers will have the best results, even if they are thin. Double curtain set-ups are becoming a popular trend due to the fact that they can further reduce noise.

Things to consider while buying soundproof curtains

Specifications like blackout and heat reduction are there while shopping for curtains but rarely do curtains talk about how much noise they reduce. See in specs whether there are words that will help you determine whether the curtain has good soundproofing.

First and foremost, see how close and tight the weave is and if it says blackout. If it says 99% blackout, it means that the curtain has three coats of liquefied rubber polymer. This helps in closing gaps and thus blocking light as well as absorbing sound waves. While buying a carpet, check the reviews to see if there are persons claiming that they saw light coming in through the curtains because that means it is probably not coated and the noise reduction will be less. Despite what the companies say, avoid buying curtain materials made of silk since it doesn’t block sound. Buy curtains made of thick or heavy fabric. The thicker the fabric is, the better soundproof abilities it possesses.

Check out the curtains and see if they satisfy your needs before deciding on which set matches. There are curtains in different colour themes, styles and materials available that will suit the interiors of your room.


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