Soundproofing Batt Insulation With acoustical products and materials

Batt Insulation, Are They a Sound Investment in Soundproofing?
Remember that any insulation of the batt type, though great as a thermal insulator, is not a very good soundproofing agent. If batt insulation like Icynene or fiberglass insulation were as effective as soundproofing products, the large firms specializing in fiber glass insulation products would have taken over the soundproofing industry by now. The real professionals would have gone out of business. Luckily it is not so, knowledge is still respected and it will take some time before the soundproofing companies lose their business. If you take soundproofing seriously, always think of batt insulation, as an additional benefit only. They simply are not capable of being independent soundproofing agents like lead, mass loaded vinyl and closed cell foam.
Acoustic Fire Batt
You will find good batt sound insulation on the market. One type is acoustic fire batt which is a rock wool made from mining slag. When treated with air at high pressure this material derives the properties of a very solid fiberglass insulation. It will provide you with an insulation value of R-13 for the 3 1/2″ batt and an R-19 for the 5 1/2″ variety. Its main function as far as acoustics is concerned is that it provides excellent sound absorption as well as structural dampening of joist and wall cavities. It is a well-known fact that damping a structure, particularly a wooden structure controls the vibration and transmission of sound through the structure.
Cotton Batt
You can find other sound insulators from cotton batt that is good for filling cavities and voids where sound control is important. Cotton being an inert material absorbs sound but sound cannot pass through it like in fiberglass.
Fiberglass Insulators
Fiberglass insulation is rated as being one among the worst soundproofing agents. Sound passes through its fibers causing the irritating noise to appear to be amplified. If you are compelled to use fiberglass insulation ensure that it is isolated from either the ceiling below or the sub floor. Never pack fiberglass inside voids or cavities. By isolating the fiberglass insulation from the ceiling below or the sub floor above you are actually breaking the circuit of sound transmission from the ceiling below to the floor above. It is the same with the walls. If the fiberglass is in contact with one side of the drywall, make sure that it does not touch the other side. This is understandable if you are familiar with the properties of fiberglass insulation.
To conclude, never depend on any batt insulation to be your only soundproofing agent. You will always need the power of lead, closed cell foam, mass loaded vinyl, or Green Glue. You can get further information about great soundproofing agents in the Internet.