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‘Go Green!’ in your office

Since the climatic conditions of Earth are worsening with each passing year, the concerns and needs to adapt environment friendly interior designing methods in every walks of our life has increased. ‘Go Green’ is the worldwide approved slogan for the initiative to use environment-friendly and recycled items.

This article lists 7 awesome ways to ‘Go Green!’ in your office.
1. Reduce wastage.
Reduce the wastage of items like paper and pen. Set printer default settings to double sided printing.
2. Reduce energy consumption.
◦ Reduce the consumption of fuel by availing carpooling facility, using public transport or even walking or cycling, if possible.
◦ Light the office space using natural light and proper ventilation should be provided so that use of AC and fans may be avoided. Use CFL, LED lights or other high efficient bulbs to reduce power consumption. Remove extra bulbs from spaces where there is too much lighting.
◦ Install motion censors in places that are frequently visited. Set timers on printers to automatically turn off after office working hours.
◦ Heating and cooling systems should be set at optimal temperature of 20-22 degree Celsius.
◦ Use renewable sources like solar power for generating power for office purposes.
1. Use Recycled products.
Use recycled papers, envelopes, cardboard etc.
2. Reuse and recycle products.
◦ Install centralized bins rather than private bins for waste collecting and recycling. Do this in a way that it doesn’t affect the employees’ working.
◦ Assign a local waste contractor who offers landfill services, to collect residual landfill.
◦ Use pens with refills such that you don’t have to throw it out after one use.
◦ When redecorating your office space, reuse the furniture with small changes suiting the new space.
◦ Fiber-boards are manufactured with recycled products and should be used.
1. Initiatives and campaigns.
◦ Take initiatives to make all the employees choose the ‘Go Green’ path.
◦ Conduct campaigns and even competitions to help promote the use of environment-friendly items and also reduce power consumption.
◦ Paste ‘Go Green’ slogans, messages and cartoons at all places to encourage people for the same.
◦ Use signatures in mails that has messages to be environment-friendly.
1. Use environment-friendly furniture.
◦ Use papers processed and colored using eco-friendly methods.
◦ Use biodegradable cups and soaps in the office.
◦ There are environment-friendly desks and tables that are manufactured without much use of natural resources.
1. Keep in check carbon footprinting.
Carbon footprint is the amount of Green House gases emitted due to the services and products that are developed to aid human activities. It is necessary that carbon footprint of an office is noted and kept within a limit. These gases reduce the ozone layer which results in global warming. Global warming is a major concern now and it is our duty to keep these emissions under control for a better future.

Studies show that building materials and furnishings, after a while, can emit harmful particles that affects the health of human beings. These dangerous vapors and airborne particles can cause allergies and other health issues to the human beings. Companies concerned about the health of their employees take steps to change this condition. Such companies use products that are certified and are in compliance with the amount of emission levels set by the Government. Environment-friendly furniture and products come with a green logo. Make sure you check out this logo before you buy something for the interiors of your office.