How an interior designer is different from an interior decorator

Interior designer and interior decorator are two terms that are often mistaken for one another. To learn the difference between the two, it is necessary to learn the definition of interior designing and interior decoration first. It is one’s lack of knowledge about these two fields that result in such unintended mixing up of them. For the usage of words in the right context, one needs to have a good understanding of the two fields.

In many places, we see that interior designer and interior decorator are used as interchangeable words, one a synonym of the other. Then to what extend is an interior decorator different from an interior designer?

Let us know who is an interior designer and what does he do.

The difference can be explained in the simplest way like this. The word interior designer, as it suggests, is basically a person who designs the interiors of a space and interior decorator, is a person who ‘decorates‘ and furnishes the interiors. Though the definitions of both seem the same, the scope of an interior designer’s jobs is much beyond that of an interior decorator. Both are responsible for the interior furnishings but interior designers have the ability to decide whether a wall should be torn down, the kind of flooring, lighting, windows etcetera that should be used, also the electrical works of the room, and the different furnitures and accessories that should be used. Thus, the scope of an interior designer includes that of a decorator but goes beyond that.

  • Education

    Interior designing existed centuries ago and were prevalent in many civilization but it was not a defined field of study. But for the past few decades, the importance of the interior of rooms have increased drastically, and hence interior designing has evolved into a field of study with different branches of specialization. A formal education and degree is needed for interior designers to be taken seriously. On top of this, they have to sign up under an experienced professional and do apprenticeship, to be able to start working as an independent interior designer.

    On the other hand, there is no special schooling for decorators, as they focus on aesthetics. They don’t generally take part in structural planning or renovations. Their part comes after the construction is complete and focus on the space available for decoration. There are small courses for interior decorators that focus on room planning, colour and fabric and so on.

  • What do they do

    Interior designing is the art of designing interiors, sometimes exteriors, of a building or a room. The designing process, though it may seem simple to one, is one that needs good knowledge about different trends, methods, and technologies, that can be used to enhance the ambience and aesthetic appearance of a room, the mood and quality of the occupants, and make sure the rooms serve their purpose or are optimized to perform their best. An interior designer is basically the professional who basically does interior designing of homes, offices, shops etcetera.

    Interior decoration is the profession of planning the decoration and furnishing of a room or a building. An interior decorator is a professional who either makes plans for decorating a room or decorates it himself.

  • Who they work with

    Interior designers work closely with contractors and architects to help meet the clients demands and needs depending on what purpose the space is serving.

    Interior decorators work with upholsterers, furniture manufactures, and the sort to furnish and decorate a room. They do not work with architects and contractors because, by the time their role starts, the construction would be complete.

  • Designer or decorator?

    The answer should depend on your needs. If you want to design the interiors of your room including structural changes like, adding new windows for ventilation, removing a wall, moving electrical and plumbing works around, etcetera, you should hire an interior designer.

    If you only want to furnish your room according to your tastes, go for an interior decorator.

Interior decorators are cheaper than interior designers but interior designers are professionally trained to understand your needs and tastes, and accordingly make a design for the interiors of your home. In the end, it depends on your needs and constraints. But as of now, you have learned the difference between an interior designer and an interior decorator, and what to call whom.