Are Noise Control Products a Solution for Background Noise in Schools?

Are Noise Control Products a Solution for Background Noise in Schools?

If you consider the amount of time being spent by us in school since childhood, which may be between 11 to 20 years, and the level of educational qualifications we hope to earn, the conditions under which we achieve it, that too happily, is really surprising. The design of the classes and the supporting areas are so bad that many of us do not realize what we are missing. It has been time and again proved that the impact of poor acoustics in classrooms has a negative effect in the development of the students. For full grasping of the subjects that are being taught, a child needs proper classroom acoustics and low background noise. This must be ensured in all schools.

Sources of Noise

To many people, acoustic noise may mean unusually loud volume of sound. Actually any sound that disturbs a peaceful environment, for example music played at high volumes by your neighbors, or the sound created by an overflying aircraft can be termed noisy. For that matter even a conversation between people may appear to be noisy to someone who is not a participant in that discussion. The point is that if such noises deprive some other people of receiving certain messages that are being conveyed to them then it is really bad. Our classrooms are one example where we should install noise control measures with priority.

Background Noise

If background noise is allowed to get into the classes due to bad acoustics, the students are unable to pay proper attention to what is being taught and miss out many verbal instructions. The sources of such back ground noises can be from the outside the classes like playground or traffic or from inside like lunch room, hall way or even gym. Young children in their formative years are affected more in the sense that their reading and spelling skills are affected. First focus should be on schools which are in close proximity to sources of high noises like that of traffic or aircraft. Acoustic noise control of classrooms only can ensure intelligible instructions. There are several solutions to control background noise but it is not always in your control. The teachers cannot increase the volume of their voice for long periods. Drapes and carpeting cannot give the expected result. Sound absorbing materials may be a good solution in such situations.

Classroom Noise Control

Therefore, to improve teacher-student communication, which is important for increasing productivity in learning, the problem of reverberation and background noise should be tackled as far as possible. Classroom walls, ceilings and floors can be treated with sound absorption and noise control products. Today you can get products at good prices and are fire rated. They are cheaper because they are made from recycled materials. Also, they are strong and long lasting, water resistant, and can be easily assembled. They are non-corrosive, available in many colors, and are graffiti resistant.

The message is that your noise problems in school can be easily solved with noise control treatment. It will boost the quality of education significantly.

Plastering the walls with adhesives in interior designing and decoration


Lincrusta in  interior designing and decoration

This type of covering is stuck in place using an extremely strong adhesive in  interior designing and decoration and it is, therefore, difficult to remove. Use hot water and a scraper to ease the sheet from the wall, taking care not to pull away the plaster. Soak and then remove any remaining adhesive.

Cork wall tiles in  interior designing and decoration

Use a flexible scraper with force to lift away the Interior tiles, then soak the exposed adhesive with water or use a hot air stripper to soften the remaining adhesive in  interior designing and decoration.

Take care not to damage the wall plaster. Expanded polystyrene tiles Use a flexible scraper to ease the tiles away from the wall or ceiling, and then use a hot air stripper to soften the exposed adhesive before removing it with a flexible scraper or sharp shave hook. Be careful to protect your eyes, hands, Stripping ceilings Vinyl/easy strip Many vinyl papers are easy to strip in  interior designing and decoration since the top layer pulls away intact, leaving the backing paper stuck to the wall.

Loosen a corner of the vinyl at the foot, then pull the strip away, holding the vinyl out from the wall in  interior designing and decoration as you pull. Domestic steam strippers are perfectly safe to use because its water reservoir contains only cold water – the steam is produced at the face plate of the stripper.

Press the steam stripper against the paper using one hand and hold a scraper in the other. As the steam penetrates the paper, it will start to lift away from the plaster. Use your scraper to encourage this process. Get as close to the surface you are stripping as possible. Holding the steam stripper at arm’s length soon becomes very tiring. Repairing walls and ceilings once you have stripped and cleaned the walls and ceiling, you need to examine them for any defects, such as cracks and gaps in the plaster. Most such problems in  interior designing and decoration should have become evident during the preparation stages; some others, however, may not initially be obvious.

The most common of these is “blown” plaster, which occurs when patches of plaster lift away from the underlying wall. When wrapped with your knuckle, blown plaster has a distinctive hollow sound. Ideally, you should hack out this defective plaster and patch with fresh material. Although re-plastering an entire room is a major job – one that requires considerable skill and professional expertise – it is relatively easy to undertake minor repairs yourself. Filling a small crack o Start by raking out any loose material from the crack, using the corner of your filling knife. Now fill the crack by drawing your loaded filling knife across it, at right angles to the crack. Using a small paint- brush, wet the crack with water.

This stops the plaster from drying out the filler too quickly, causing it to crack or fall out. Fill the crack slightly proud of the surrounding plaster in  interior designing and decoration. Leave it to set and, when it is hard, sand it back flush using a medium grade of glass paper.