Benefits of using acoustic underlay for flooring in interior designing and decoration

Benefits of Using Acoustic Underlay
Benefits of using acoustic underlay for flooring have been well recognized all over the word by construction companies and they have started preferring this totally new concept. Acoustic underlayment has become so popular that their demand will continue to rise for quite a long time to come.
Soundproofing a floor plays an important role in determining the health and efficiency of those living in a room. The properties of different flooring underlays are unique and therefore the levels of sound reduction that they can achieve are also different. In order to bring down the noise levels considerably, the building companies have to take into account the total space to be covered by the sound proofing product, the effect of the airborne noise, the type of noise and above all the budgetary limits.
The Benefits Compared to Cork Flooring
Comparing the benefits of using acoustic underlay for flooring with that of cork flooring, the underlays cause only a minimum raise in floor level unlike cork flooring, which is almost as thick as carpet flooring. In most cases the underlays can replace carpets. This is very advantageous because it becomes possible to add extra soundproofing levels which while being effective, does not add to the height of the floor causing other problems due to increase of floor level during renovations.
Sound Properties of Floor
Among the important benefits of using acoustic underlay are its properties of noise reduction. The effects of noise can be very serious and annoying on buildings. The flooring underlayment can absorb the noises due to footfalls and cushion the walls and floors. It can also help to reduce the effect of airborne noises on other nearby supportive structures. It acts like weak medium for transmission of sound.
Easy to Install
An expert’s help is not required for you to install a flooring underlay. The instructions are clear and simple. You can easily fix them with a bonding adhesive or can be just laid onto floors particularly in homes. In case the traffic is going to be heavier, you may better lay an extra acoustic layer like MDF board so that the wear and tear will be less. Recycling – Acoustic underlay products as a rule can be recycled. Apart from serving their purpose as a sound insulation medium, they can, in the recycled form serve as a safe landfill material for the environment.
Building Regulations
The presence of acoustic underlayment in a building is considered as a positive factor for meeting building regulations. This is also one of the benefits of using acoustic underlay. The role played by underlayment in reducing vibrations and other factors causing instability in a building have been highlighted by the government authorities concerned.
Relief for Joint Pain
Cork flooring is a known acoustic flooring underlay. It is soft and its tender surface is good for joints make it easier when kneeling on the floor and you may not feel any pain.
Installing acoustic underlay is a long time investment. It is free from dust and microbes and good for health. Benefits of using acoustic underlay are many, though only a few are mentioned above.

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