Paint the furniture
Once the piece is prepared and primed, apply two coats of the base-coat color. This may be the finish for the piece, or the background for a paint effect. Either way it is important that the paint is applied smoothly, without drips and visible brush marks. This is best accomplished by applying thin coats of paint and not overloading your paintbrush. For a dresser, if you haven't already done so, remove the drawers and the hardware. If there are legs on the dresser, turn the piece upside down and paint them first. Once dry, turn the piece right side up and paint the body, then the top. Paint the faces of the drawers separately. Keep the paint away from any of the running surfaces-the top edges of the drawers and the inside edges of the spaces where the drawers are inserted into the dresser.
Varnish is not necessary unless you are protecting a paint effect or a dresser top from extra wear and tear. Bedside tables are painted the same way as dressers.
Turn wooden chairs upside down and paints the legs first, applying the paint from the lower leg toward the seat and any rungs. Watch for drips, especially around any tool work or spindles. Turn the chair upright and paint the back rungs or slats first, then the seat.

Varnish is not necessary.